Mounted Plant Care


A mounted what?

Lots of common house plants are are among a group of plants known as epiphytes. That means that grow on other surfaces, usually tree branches, and not in the soil. Some examples: ferns, many orchids, air plants, holiday cacti, many hoyas, bromeliads, and more. Epiphytes can be grown mounted in our homes, a planting method that mimics their natural environment.

How Do I keep it Alive?

All houseplants need light—either from a nearby window or from full spectrum LED bulbs—to survive in your home. Light is food for plants, and it’s the number one factor in ensuring your plants thrive. In this sense, caring for mounted plants is no different than caring for potting plants. In fact, because mounted plants can be hung, it may be easier for you to keep it in a spot with ideal light.

Put your plant close enough to a window that it can “see the sky”, as Houseplant Journal recommends. All of our mounted plants are best grown in largely bright, indirect light — a spot that gets couple hours of direct sun each day max — or under full spectrum LED grow lights.

How Do I Water it?

The main difference between potted and mounted plants is the watering technique and frequency.

  • Mounted plants usually dry out faster than potted plants, so that means watering a bit more often.

  • Mounted plants should be watered in your sink, either by running them under the tap or by soaking in room temperature water. They will need time to dry before you re-hang them on the wall.

How Will I know if I’m Doing it Right?

All of our mounted plants, whether purchased or made during one of our workshops, come with a detailed care card that covers light needs, when to water, and how to water. We also have videos and tips posted on our Instagram account. And you can always reach out to us with questions!

How Long will My Mount Last?

In the same way that plants can outgrow their plants, they can also outgrow their mounts. We recommend re-mounting every 1-2 years. You can take advantage of our mounting or remounting services if you need help.